Ayam Geprek Surabaya – Geprek 100

Kinda missing the authentic taste of this Geprek, so here I am (we are) again to have our dose of gorgeous Ayam Geprek Surabaya. Ayam Geprek (Fried Chicken smashed with House Special Chilli Sauce), swap the steamed white rice with red rice for a healthier me (that’s what they said), and add deep fried egg […]
Homy Cafe – The Library Coffee & Pastries Surabaya

Second day of the week, usually the most hectic day of the week. Since the nature of our work is interdimensional and international (put it simply: online-based), we decided to meet up somewhere and work together for a new atmosphere instead of sitting in the office, and The Library @thelibrary.sby was our pick of the day since […]
Cozy Cafe – Kollabora

Back here again, with the sole purpose of having a glimpse of dessert with some Live Music in a Cozy Cafe. Turns out we came on the wrong day where the band doesn’t play so yeah we ended up having the dessert and playing some Ludo on an iPad. Millenials. The affogato is a champion. […]
Surabaya Cafe – Kollabora

A Cafe Surabaya serving Lavender Latte. The name sounds interesting, sounds beautiful. Well for me the word “Lavender” automatically reminds me of a field full of purple/lavender flower, relaxing atmosphere, and so on (thanks @loccitane for your propaganda ). OR those spray can of bug spray/insect killer (baygon shayyy dengan wangi lavender). Nothing in between. Oh there […]
Cafe Surabaya – Gatherinc Cafe

My hometown has been scorching hot in the arvo almost every day since like a month ago or so. 35 degree Celsius is like normal nowadays, and with the humidity, walking outside the house feels like walking in a massive oven. Looking for another Cafe Surabaya and to Gatherinc we went. This place is a […]
Cafe Surabaya – Petrichor Cafe

Weekend calls for after-hour chill session with whoever left in the office, normally. Not that I/we wait until weekend to do it, just feels more sympatethic for me to say that chill time is weekend. Time to explore the term Cafe Surabaya, a.k.a eligible cafes in Surabaya. by eligible I meant it gotta be reasonable […]