About Me

Creating With Passion While Exploring The World

I love content creation, photo, video, website developments, all started to be a hobby which I know can turn into my career one day. Here I am trying to conquer my obstacles, one at a time.

I love doing my projects on the outdoor side of the world, such as relaxing on top of a mountain while playing with my gears and social media accounts, optimizing clients’ revenue from their online shops, and so on. Indoors, even in hotels, are too overrated for me.

Let's talk with me.
I Offer Personalized Services Not Just Generic

Plenty of competitors out there, Indonesia based companies/brands, can offer you great low prices, especially if you convert our rates against USD, AUD, or any Dollars. However, I can bet you that you will have MASSIVE communication problem with them, which will lead into a disastrous project. Try me and prove me wrong, your first project is on me. (TnC applies, of course).

I have nothing to hide to the world, so have a look on my LinkedIn for my Professional side and Instagram for my Personal side.

Content Creator

While I love creating contents on my desktop/laptop, I can’t help but notice that everyone are going more mobile right now, creating and editing contents right on their smartphones and sometimes tablets. I master the 4 most-have apps of content creation world, and am ready to create everything you and I need.


What I love

I love dealing and syncing with intelligent people. Frustrates me a lot when I have to deal with tons of senseless people out there. You will see a lot of them in the area where I live in, since it is a developing country with under-developed stubborn minds of people. You who are expats or have been to my country understands what I’m talking about.

Oh, for hobby you mean? I love to go relax on a mountain resort, enjoying the gorgeous views of it and I won’t say no to beaches. Blue Mountains in Katoomba, Australia is my all-time favourite. Followed with Bali, to which most of you will agree with me. There are so many places in Katoomba and Bali I haven’t explored, hopefully I’ll be able to tick this bucket list soon.

I have major interests in automotive, culinary, gadgets, and gaming. Trying to make me a famous Gaming Streamer, starting with IDN Live.

Stay In Touch

Click that cute bubble on your right hand side, It’ll be the quickest way to reach me 😉