Steak Surabaya – The Gourmet Galaxy Mall

Steak Surabaya

The coffee on the previous post was good and gave us enuf energy to went through a Saturday. Off to this mall we went, and guess where these quarter-century old fellas headed to? Timezone. You gotta keep your inner child alive, folks  and also to get some great Steak Surabaya (Surabayanese Steak/BBQ). Now onto the […]

Cafe Surabaya – Gatherinc Cafe

Gatherinc Cafe

My hometown has been scorching hot in the arvo almost every day since like a month ago or so. 35 degree Celsius is like normal nowadays, and with the humidity, walking outside the house feels like walking in a massive oven. Looking for another Cafe Surabaya and to Gatherinc we went. This place is a […]

Shao Kao Surabaya

Shao Kao. I believe in Chinese that means skewers (?). Basically most of your favourite food items are skewered then grilled to perfection, with a dash of savoury or bbq sauce. Here in Shao Kao Surabaya, I strongly believe the savoury glaze that I always ordered consists of salt and some cumin and 5 spices […]