Nasi Babi Guling – Babi Guling Ibu Ayu Komang

Babi Guling Ibu Ayu Komang. Back in college time, A housemate of mine once recommended this place as an alternative for Nasi Babi/Nasi Babi Guling in Surabaya just in case I got sick of having Peneleh over and over again (see my previous post of Nasi Babi Peneleh/Pig Rice). I could have like 3-4 brunches […]
Nasi Campur Babi Bali – Depot Jepun Peneleh

Nasi Babi Peneleh. It’s a rice dish with some variety of toppings. Its sambal alone consists of 3 varieties, making your lunch time vibrant and colourful. It only opens from morning circa 8 AM until arvo around 3 PM, hence you can only have it for brunch/lunch, not dinner. Besides, who the hell would have […]